Lola O.
Maybe it is the writer in me that it the cause of my daydreaming. I spend a lot of time floating around inside my mind going from thought to thought, dream to dream. These days most of them are about Seoul.

My hope for going to Seoul is that it a year of HAPPINESS overflowing with personal growth, laughter, fun, and positive change. I am excited about being in Seoul in 2010. I just feel like this is my year/time to shine brightly and my season to bloom. I am 22 years old, and I feel like this is the first time in my life that I am going to be doing something just for me. I've spent the better part of my short life taking care of others, worrying for others, and making my family happy, that it feels like I forgot about my own.

I'm doing something a little crazy, but more importantly something I want to do. Something different and unusual for me, and that is what makes it great. I've done everything the way everyone around me wanted/expected me to do it, and for once in my life I am taking a different path and seeing where it takes me.

Anyone that knows me, knows I am a planner and I rarely change course. When I entered college I planned to graduate and then go to law school and become a corporate lawyer, and then a judge. That had been my plan since I was 12 years old, and then things changed... I changed. I began to become interested in traveling and the place I wanted to go to the most was Seoul. I started tutoring and working with international students, and I realized how much I enjoyed helping students.

I had the urge to explore what else was out there, and that desire made me decide to wait on  law school and test the waters to see what else is out there. It was scary at first, because I was steering off the path I had chosen for myself and leaping onto a new one. It is still scary, but it feels right. I am 22 years old, and I have every right to go at my own pace, go my own way, and figure things out in my own time.

I have no idea if I will still end up going to law school, because I have so many dreams and desires inside me that I want to explore more. I am giving myself time and my hope is that all the fogginess inside my mind will clear over the next year and little by little I will discover and create the future that is right for me.

My hope is that over the next year I learn, discover, and create myself through each experience I go through, and begin to paint that portrait of myself, my life, and the future I want for me.

Next on Journey To Seoul: Personal Goals...
2 Responses
  1. JIW Says:

    I have grown up so much out here. ^^ Anyways who knows what you will find out here that will spark a new interest. :)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I also dream of going to Seoul one of these days and, like you, I never expected to be interested with this place, let alone its culture.

    go on with your plans. it's okay to change your mind about what you want to do with life.

    good luck! I'm going to read more of your entries in here.