Lola O.
I'm here!!!

It feels so dreamlike being here. My thoughts are scattered right now, so I will write about my flight and stuff after I get some sleep. Look forward to it:)!!! One thing, I will say is that God blessed me with a lot of sweet kindness from strangers and it made my trip sooo much better.

Be Blessed,
~Lola O.~
6 Responses
  1. kissmykimchi Says:

    Welcome to Seoul! I'm sure you need the sleep but I bet you're very excited. And you arrived on a three day weekend! awesome!

  2. new_in_town Says:

    Awesome! Check you round lol.

  3. JIW Says:

    Welcome to Korea :)

  4. MC Says:

    Good for you girl! Praise Jesus for you getting to Seoul safe and sound! Can't wait to read and see pictures of your adventures in Seoul!

  5. kirstinanne Says:

    Lola hope you are enjoying your first few days in Seoul.. Love reading your blog..I'm actually looking right now for a position at a hagwon.. If I ever get to there I hope we can meet up. :)

  6. Lola O. Says:

    Thanks everyone!!! It is good to finally be here after so much waiting.

    Kirstin, for sure. Let me know when you arrive in Seoul.