Lola O.
Hello lovely readers:).

I hope your Monday morning (Sunday night) is humming along nicely. Today is my first day back to the land of children, and I have no classes. I woke up this morning with 15 minutes to get ready for school, I was the last person to enter the building. It was weird because I didn't see any kids as I walked to school and it was such an eerie feeling. I guess they all came early since it's the first day of school. I'm really happy that I have no classes because I am super tired from the last three weeks. I will upload pictures and stories of my travels when I get back into the groove of things. Hong Kong and Jeju were wonderful; the people were warm, the weather was hot, I lost/got my camera stolen in Jeju, went horse-back riding for the 1st time, did some shopping, and overall just enjoyed myself. So my first solo adventure was a success thanks to the people and experiences that made my three weeks special.

I got back on Thursday afternoon, and holed myself up in my apartment watching tv shows and movies, reading articles and stories, and just being a lazy person trying to enjoy my last few moments of bliss before school begins. Seriously, it is hard to come back after a vacation filled with no schedule, alarms, or have to do's. I'm looking forward to my birthday and Tokyo for Chuseok, so that is keeping me from getting antsy being back. Saturday I emerged from my apartment and went to Itaewon with some friends. We went to Budha's Belly, it was my first time and I will be going back. Very delicious food and the atmosphere is good. We had some drinks at Bricks (also nice), and ended the night/early morning at Luv. Itaewon has been growing on me lately, and Saturday was a great night out.

Sunday, I went to the Incheon Wave Concert, it was interesting. I didn't like most of the acts, since I was only really there for Taeyang and Se7en, but 2PM and BOA were also good. Honestly, I felt kind of old with all the teenie boppers around me. On a hilarious note, once KARA performed a lot of boys got up and left. I had asked some of the guys next to me who they liked and they said KARA, those girls didn't perform till near the end but they stayed like troopers looking so bored until KARA came on. They pulled out their binoculars and their faces lit up, and all I thought was that will be me when Taeyang comes on stage. Overall it was a good time, I liked that everyone behaved themselves, except for the girls drinking below us who seemed to only be in highschool. I went to bed around 1 AM and barely woke up for school.

It's nice to be back, okay its not really nice to be back, I would love to do nothing but whatever I want everyday of my life. Haha, but this girl has to work, and this job isn't so bad. I'll be teaching 4th grade this semester, so I told them no more 1st graders. Everyone4 says they love 4th grade, so I'm hoping they will be a good buch of kids. My VP came to visit me to tell me he's sorry I didn't get to see my family since I've been here, so I told him about the awesomeness of Skype, and then he thanked me for summer camp. It was nice, but whenever I get an unexpected visit from the P/VP I freak out inside a little wondering what's up. I have not missed the hilly walk to school, or the lack of A/C, or the mutant bees/wasps. I hope this semester goes well. My co-teacher wrote me a letter about giving me more responsibilities in terms of preparing for lessons, tests, and open-class so yay to more work, not really, but I've got to pull my own weight. I'm crossing my fingers the kids haven't turned into monsters in the last month, and I am looking forward to seeing my 5th graders since they are my favorites.

I think this time of the year is exciting and the months fly by with holidays, birthdays, and fall weather. I have a niece on the way in the next few days, and I cannot wait to see her and my other niece when I get back. So many babies to see, and there will be at least one wedding when I get back home. I haven't decided yet whether I will stay for another year. I want to stay, but my family (mostly my mom) factors into my decision. I miss them a lot, but I know being here is a good place for me right now. I'm not ready to go back to school, or get a "real" job, or give up traveling. I'm leaving those thoughts in the back of my head and will pcik through them when I have to.

Have a great week, and welcome back my fellow teachers. I hope you all had a lovely vacation.

Be Blessed,
Lola O.
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