Lola O.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa....happy everything and everyone. I hope all of you are with loved ones, whether they be friends or family. Have an amazing holiday season!!!!
3 Responses
  1. kissmykimchi Says:

    Merry christmas, Lola! I'm happy to say that you are the big winner! i've had to weed through a bunch of spam posts so I haven't had time to update, but i will make a post and ship out the mp3 player next week. Just email me your mailing address.

    congrats and happy holidays!

  2. Lola O. Says:

    *Happy Dance* I'm so excited that I won...sending you my info today.

  3. oooh congrats on the MP3! haha! and Hope you had a Merry Christmas!!!! ^^