Lola O.
Two years from now, I hope you didn't give up on your dream to go to South Korea, I hope you did it for you and came back a stronger person. I hope two years from now you are making a name for yourself in the world and finding happiness in your own personal life.

Don't let fear and worries keep you from going after what you want, because one day it will be too late and you'll have too many regrets.

Be happy, Work hard, Love deeply, and Live freely:)
I stumbled upon this jorunal entry over the weekend. Something my 21 year old self wrote when pondering my future. It made me smile, and I'm happy to say at 23 I've done as my 21 year old self hoped, and I'm finding my happiness, and becoming a stronger version of myself. The two years in between have been a rollercoaster ride, but I'm doing well. I think my younger self would be proud of this older one.

Today, I had my renewal open class. It went really well. The evaluators were not the same two ladies from last time, but they had only good things to say. I was surprised that they liked it so much, but I'm happy they did. I have one more open class next week for my after school, and hopefully that will be the last one. I'm really happy because I have no 5th and 6th graders for the rest of the week because they are all going to Gyeongju for three days. I'm really happy, I can use that time to get things accomplished, or just relax. I'm going to use my sick leave today, this constant weather change is really getting to me. Yesterday, was sooooo cold and I woke up this morning feeling really sick. I got through open class, will get through my 5 classes, and then go home and rest. I went to sleep early yesterday but I still woke up tired and with this headache that won't go away.

I tend to get severe headaches, but  this one has been lingering for three days now. I don't know if it's just the weather changes or something else but it won't go away. Other than not feeling well, I feel pretty happy on the inside out. Haha, it's cold but the sun is shining, open class went well, a pretty easy rest of the week starts tomorrow.

I had no school on Friday, so I went shopping, did some cleaning, and skyped with a friend for four hours. That's the thing with skype once you start talking time seems to disappear until you end the call and realize the whole day has ended. My homesickness has subsided which is great. On Saturday I went on this Adventure Korea trip and it wasn't great but it wasn't completey horrible. Met some interesting people, made some apple jam, freaked out over all the bees, had to wake a girl up to clean herself up after she vomited on herself on the busride back. I guess the apple wine was too much for her. It was a long but interesting day. On Sunday I slept in. skyped my mom, watched tv shows, cooked, and just relaxed at home.

This weekend I'm going ziplining with Discover Korea. I'm shaking on the inside, due to mostly nervousness and a hint of excitement. It's a fear I'm overcoming, and my friends will be there to cheer me on through all 9 courses. I really am happy with this 23 year old me:)!!!!

Enjoy your week!!!!!

"23" by Jimmy Eat World
Amazing still it seems
I'll be 23
I wont always love what I'll never have
I wont always live in my regrets

You'll sit alone forever
If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?

Be blessed,
~Lola O.~
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